Hormone therapy Smithtown, NY

Overview of Hormone Imbalances

Hormone imbalances can develop at any age and affect both men and women. They occur when glands produce too little or too much of a hormone, causing disruption of bodily functions. Symptoms may include fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, low libido, insomnia, and more.

Proper testing and treatment can help restore balance and improve quality of life. Blood, saliva or urine tests check hormone levels and reveal imbalances. Bioidentical hormone therapy may be recommended to supplement low levels. Lifestyle changes also support better hormone health.

Diagnosing and Treating Hormone Imbalances

Diagnosing hormone imbalances begins with checking for risk factors like age, family history, stress levels, and existing conditions. A physical exam and lab testing provide further insight.

Once imbalanced hormones are identified, bioidentical hormone therapy can help restore optimal levels. Pellet implants, creams, pills and injections are delivery methods. Dosage starts low and is adjusted based on follow-up testing.

In addition to treatment, lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, stress management and high quality sleep also support hormonal balance. Tracking symptoms helps assess progress over time. Follow-up testing confirms hormone levels are being properly maintained.

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Take control of your hormone health today!

Bioidentical Hormones and Their Benefits

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to the hormones naturally made by the human body. This allows them to properly fit into hormone receptors and mimic natural function.

They are often derived from plant sources and made into customized treatments based on each person's needs. This targeted approach makes them an appealing option for those experiencing hormonal decline.

Potential benefits include relief of imbalance symptoms like fatigue, low libido and hot flashes as well as protective effects against conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease. Close provider supervision ensures safety and efficacy.

Balance Hormone Clinic's Experience and Services

Balance Hormone Clinic has 10 years experience diagnosing and treating hormone imbalances. Our medical staff stays current on the latest testing procedures and treatment options.

We provide comprehensive lab testing to check all major hormones and identify any deficiencies or excesses. If treatment is recommended, we offer bioidentical hormones via implants, creams or injections based on each patient's preferences.

Importance of Proper Hormone Balance

Hormones affect almost every bodily system and influence our mood, appearance and vitality. Imbalances can undermine quality of life in numerous ways. That's why timely testing and treatment are so important.

In addition to alleviating current symptoms, balancing hormones may also offer protective effects against certain age-related diseases. And for those experiencing natural declines due to aging, treatment can help slow deterioration of vital functions.

If you suspect your hormones are out of balance, we encourage you to get tested and explore your treatment options. Our knowledgeable staff can help determine next steps based on your test results and health goals.

Take control of your hormones and reclaim your life!

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